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The information on this page can also be viewed in various languages, by clicking on the drop down box in the top left hand side of the page, you can select the language required and the page will be automatically translated.

If you are, or ever have been, a patient of Bradford District Care Foundation Trust within any of the services we provide, all of the information we have about your health is held on a health record.

Your health record is stored electronically on a secure system. Healthcare staff will only use this information to make sure you receive the correct care and support you need and will ensure this information stays confidential and is kept safe.

We want to make sure that whether you are visiting a GP, receiving care in a hospital or being seen by a health professional in the community, that everyone knows the care you need and how you would like to be treated.

To help us work together and provide the best possible care, we want to share the information we have in your health record with other health and care services. We call this a shared health record which means everyone who provides your care will have the information they need, when they need it. We will all use the same information to make sure you get the best health and care services we can provide.

This means that:

  • You get the right treatment for your mental and physical health.
  • Everyone has the same information they need to treat you.
  • It will reduce how often you need to repeat information to people.

Your health record will only be shared with services that provide you with care or treatment. People can only see the information they need to be able to provide your care.

You can ask that some of your information is made private. This means it will not be seen by others on your shared health record.

Giving consent for us to share your health record

From January 2022, we are launching a campaign to ask everyone who uses Bradford District Care Foundation Trust services to tell us if they agree we can share their health record with other parts of the NHS, this is known as giving consent.

If you need any more information, please talk to the person providing your care or treatment at the Trust.

You can also look at our sharing your health record guide for a more in depth look on how this will work. There is also an easy read version of the guide available.

Frequently asked questions

We understand that you may have lots of questions about this, so we have put together a list of frequently asked questions to help answer some of these.

Please remember you can always talk to the person providing you with care or treatment at the Trust to find out more information.

Hear more about sharing your health record

We have created a helpful explainer video that covers sharing your health record and what it means for you. The video is currently available in English, British Sign Language, Polish and Punjabi. We are working on bringing three more translated videos to this page shortly.

Hear more about sharing your health record with British Sign Language translation
Hear more about sharing your health record with Polish translation 
Hear more about sharing your health record with Punjabi translation 
Hear more about sharing your health record with Slovakian translation
Hear more about sharing your health record with Urdu translation
Hear more about sharing your health record with Sylheti translation


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