Our workforce information
We want to be an employer of choice by providing equal opportunities for all. We also want to make sure that we meet our duties as an employer as set out in:
- Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000
- Disability Discrimination Act 2005
- Equality Act 2006
- Equality Act 2010
To do this we look regularly at the age, disability, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and religion or belief people who:
- work for us already
- apply to work with us
- are short-listed for jobs
- are new to working in the Trust
We also look at the age, disability, ethnicity and gender of people who, for example:
- apply for training
- apply for promotion
- leave the trust due to dismissal, retirement or redundancy
If you would to access our workforce reports, email Lisa Wright, Head of Equality and Work Experience.
Diversity workforce reports