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See our PLACE results which assess the quality of the patient environment.

Mental wellbeing in Bradford district and Craven: a strategy 2016–2021

This strategy (PDF) has been developed by Bradford Metropolitan District Council and Bradford Districts Clinical Commissioning Group in collaboration with other stakeholders and most importantly members of the public and those who have a lived experience of services and their carers. It sets out a clear focus on promoting mental wellbeing and tackling the things we know can cause mental ill health for all ages. It sets the vision and priorities for people in the Bradford district and Craven over the next five years.

Mental wellbeing is much more than simply not being mentally ill. It is about having positive self-esteem, good coping mechanisms and feeling empowered and in control. This is an important element of the ambition of the strategy.

An easy read version (PDF) is also available.

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