
We are sometimes required by our regulators to make declarations and to make these declarations available for the public to see.

Safeguarding children public declaration

Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust is taking the following steps to ensure that processes are in place to safeguard children.

Child protection policies and systems – Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust has clear child safeguarding policies and procedures. Practice guidance is made available to staff through training, newsletters and web links covering, what to do if concerned about a child, information sharing, managing allegations, supervision and useful contact details. Staff are made aware of the procedures through training, briefings, E-Comms, newsletters and web links. Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust’s safeguarding children policy and procedures have been recently updated (2014). Staff have access to this information through the Trust Intranet. Members of staff are encouraged to read and use the policy in conjunction with the multi-agency guidance of the local safeguarding children boards. The policies and procedures will be updated regularly.

Safeguarding children training – Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust has a comprehensive plan of training to ensure that staff receive the appropriate level of training required for their role. This is based on the guidance contained within the intercollegiate document (2010). The training plan makes reference to training delivered as part of the central induction process for new employees, right through to staff who require more in depth training in line with the ‘Think Family’ approach.

Named nurse and named doctor – Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust has Named Nurses and a Named Doctor for safeguarding children currently in post.

Trust Board assurance – Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust has a board level executive director who has the lead for safeguarding children and who also is a member of the Bradford Safeguarding Children Board. Safeguarding arrangements and developments within the Trust are discussed and reviewed regularly at the Trust’s Safeguarding Forum.

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) – Disclosure and Barring Service checks are used by Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust (BDCFT) to assess the suitability of applicants. BDCFT implements rigorous statutory recruitment and selection processes to ensure employee’s suitability and skill set are in keeping with the vision and values of the organisation.

The safeguarding team – All members of staff are able to access support and advice from the Safeguarding Children Team based within Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust during office hours. The safeguarding and reviewing unit at the Local Authority is also able to offer support and advice to BDCFT staff. Staff can access this service during office hours. Out of hours safeguarding concerns will be picked up by social care’s emergency duty team.

Self certification

NHS Foundation Trusts are required to self-certify whether they have complied with the conditions of the NHS provider licence around the following:

  • the provider has taken all precauations necessary to comply with the licence, NHS acts and the NHS Constitution (Condition (G6(3));
  • the provider has a reasonable expection that required resources will be available to deliver designated services (Condition CoS7(3)); and
  • the provider has complied with required governance arrangements (Condition FT4(8)).

The self-certification for the first two conditions was approved by the Board at its meeting on 9 June 2022.

The self-certification for the third condition was approved by the Board at its meeting on 9 June 2022 (see appendix 4).

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