Sharing your health record guide – easy read
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Who we are
We are showing you this information because you are using services at Bradford District Care NHS Trust. We provide community, mental health, learning disability and other specialist health services in Bradford, Keighley & Craven.
We provide lots of different services such as mental health, learning disabilities and other specialist services.
Your health record and our service
To help us care for you, we need to find out about your health and wellbeing. You can tell us what you feel and what’s important to you. We will talk to you about this when we meet you.
We will also look at and write what you tell us on your NHS record. This is kept on a special patient record called SystmOne. Only people who work with you can see this record. We will add important information, like appointments you have had with us and what care we are providing for you and the medicine or pills you take.
How long will you be able to see my health record for?
We will only look at and write on your record while you are using our services.
If you decide you don’t want us to look at your NHS records you can let us know at any time.
Please remember though that it might have important information that we need to be able to care for you.
Your health record and other services
Other services might be helping you too, such as social services, your GP, or the hospital.
They write in a different part of this record. At the moment different services can’t always see our notes about your care.
Sometimes it’s helpful to share information with other people. It means we can all provide you with better care. It also means you shouldn’t have to tell people your story over and over again.
Anyone who works with you will be able to see your record on SystmOne if you decide to share it. You can change your mind about sharing your record at any time if you want to.
We want to ask you if we can share the information we have about you on our records with other services.
Your rights
The law says we must always provide care that is in your best interest. If you have any questions about this, please talk to us.
We will be able to talk to you about what this means.
You can request a copy of the information we keep about you.
To get this information you can email: or phone us on: 01274 363 629
Or you can write to us at:
The Information Governance and
Records Management Team,
Unit 1
4 Lanes Business Park
Barnes Road
West Yorkshire,
BD8 9RY.
If you are worried about any of the information held in your records, please talk to us. We can give you
advice about your rights.
You can email:
If you are unhappy with what we do or say when you contact us, you can ask the Information Commissioner’s Office for more help.
You can call them on 0303 123 1113 or look at their website https:/
If you would rather write a letter to them
this is the address:
The Information Commissioners Office,
Wycliffe House,
Water Lane,