Equality and diversity reports
Compliance with the Equality Act 2010 is a key requirement of all NHS organisations and the NHS constitution is based on the principles of equality and fairness. This is particularly important for Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust because of the diversity of our local population and our goals to provide seamless access to the best quality services, for all of our local communities and to be the best place to work.
There is documented evidence that getting equality right has a direct link to outstanding care.
In our Trust the equality, diversity and inclusion work is led by the People Matters Directorate and our Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion can be contacted by emailing EDI@bdct.nhs.uk
Our Trust has a set of equality objectives 2024 – 2028 which guide our EDI work over the next four years. They flow from our Ambition to action strategy, 2023-26 and enable us to fulfil our public sector equality duties and our NHS EDI requirements. The Trusts EDI Strategy is our Belonging and Inclusion Plan which is being updated in 2024. These equality objectives will be the overarching priorities of that refreshed plan due for relaunch in October 2024.
Documents which are key to this are:
- Equality Duty Report 2024-2025
- Equality objectives 2024 – 2028
- People Development Strategy 2019 – 2024
- Belonging and Inclusion plan 2021-2024
- NHS England » NHS equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) improvement plan
These documents ensure that we:
- Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act 2010;
- advance equality of opportunity between people from different groups; and
- foster good relations between people from different groups.
- Linked to this, there is a focus on the nine ‘protected characteristics’ within the Equality Act that cover: age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation and marriage and civil partnerships. We also give due regard to health inclusion groups, which covers a number of traditionally excluded populations including but not limited to; people who are experiencing homelessness, asylum seekers and refugees, single parents, people living in rural isolation and people involved in the criminal justice system.
The Equality Act 2017 Regulations require all organisations that employ more than 250 staff to publish their gender pay gap annually by 31 March 2018. A summary of all of the results published so far can be found on the gender pay gap web pages.
In March 2024 we published our most recent gender pay gap and bonus gender pay gap information. Our committee report on the Gender Pay Gap is available in this Board report.
As part of our commitment to the NHS England equality, diversity and inclusion improvement plan we have published our ethnicity and disability pay gap information. The data has been analysed using the same calculation methodology as the gender pay gap.
Pay gap 2022 2023 Ethnicity pay gap 8.48% 13% Disability pay gap 5.57% 6.2% We aim to stay in the top performing quartile of NHS organisations and to reduce the bonus gender pay gap over time. Analysis of the pay gap by pay band, care group directorate and staff group is carried out regularly to identify areas where the pay gap is higher and lower than the Trust average, so we can target interventions to reduce our overall pay gaps.
Our priority actions for 2024 – 2025 to reduce our pay gaps:
- Increase the use of national pay contracts instead of local pay arrangements for hospital doctors – currently all are national, with some local variations.
- Promote flexibile working culture to all staff, including supporting male staff to work ‘less than full time’ .
- Use talent managment and training programmes to develop staff and increase appointments of under-represented groups.
- Further anlaysis on the pay gap in services where gaps are higher than the Trust average.
- Continue to implement retention, re-entering and retraining policies to retain women. Link the retire/ return group into the EDI Strategic Staff Partnership.
- Include gender, ethinicity and disability pay gap data as part of NHS Workforce Equality Standard Reporting processes to Board of Governors.
- Further analysis to understand how length of service affects the pay gap for ethnicity.
- Increase the number of staff completing the personal information on disability and ethnicity in the electronic staff record to enable more detailed analyisis.
The NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard requires us to publish data and action plan which can be compared nationally with other NHS organisations. See below for our priorities, reports of our progress and our data. For more information please contact EDI@bdct.nhs.uk.
In August 2018 the NHS launched the Workforce Disability Equality Standard. A requirement of that standard is to publish a set of data and our action plans which can compare experiences and representation of NHS Disabled Staff with other NHS organisations. The latest annual reports of progress, action plans and data are included below. The data and actions are discussed and approved by the Trust Board via the Workforce and Equality Committee.
In 2024 we assessed our equality, delivery and inclusion performance using the NHS England Equality Delivery System 22. More information on this framework can be found here NHS England Equality Delivery System 2022.
The process provides our BDCFT workforce, voluntary, community and faith and health sector partners, carers and people using our services the opportunity to comment on our equality performance. There are three domains within the EDS22:
- Domain 1 – Provided and Commissioned Services (focusing on access, safety, meeting health needs and patient experience)
- Domain 2 – Workforce Health and Wellbeing
- Domain 3 – Inclusive Leadership
The summary of the outcome of that assessment is listed below. Click on the domains to see the detailed evidence collected and shared as part of the assessment process.
EDS domain Score Domain 1: Provided and Commissioned services Median score School Nursing and Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Perinatal Mental Health. 10 Domain 2: Workforce Health and Wellbeing 7 Domain 3: Inclusive Leadership 5 Total ’22’ achieving Following the completion of this assessment the following action plans and reporting templates have been completed. These actions will become part of EDI priorities for 2024 / 2025 and will be embedded into our Belonging and Inclusion Plan.
The Board reports associated with this work are:
For more information contact EDI@bdct.nhs.uk