
Welcome to the Bradford District Care Foundation NHS Trust Speech and Language Therapy service pages.

We have over 70 members of staff and work in lots of different places including community clinics, nurseries, schools, nursing and residential care homes, patient’s own homes and day centres.

The information here is for anyone who lives with or supports someone who needs help with their talking, understanding, social interaction, eating or drinking.

The pages are for parents, carers, service users and professionals. They have:

  • information to help you decide whether to refer to the Speech and Language Therapy service
  • information about how to refer to the service
  • advice and resources to support children, young people and adults with speech, language, and communication needs
  • advice and resources to support children, young people and adults with drinking and eating difficulties

The Speech and Language Therapy service also has training opportunities and commissioned services. If you are a professional or another organisation who wants to know how we can work with you, please email us on

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