Our services > C
To find out about more about the kinds of services we have, how they can support you and how you can be referred to them use the search function in the blue box to the side of this page.
Whichever area of our service you access you can expect a high level of quality and support. We offer care in lots of ways including on wards, in the community and in social care settings. Our aim is always to treat you as close as is possible to your own home.
Showing 10 from 20 results.
CAMHS Neurodevelopmental team
We are the team that assesses Autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children and young people. If your child is in crisis or you need urgent mental health support, please call First Response on 0800 952 1181
CAMHS Neurodevelopmental team – What happens next
This page will talk you through the process from submitting a referral for an Autism or ADHD assessment, to the outcome.
Case managers
Telephone: 01274 256 131
Case managers understand how complicated it can be when you have a range of complex health and social care needs. They will help you and your family to manage your long-term health needs and treatment more effectively.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health service (CAMHS)
Telephone Fieldhead 01274 723 241 or Hillbrook 01535 661 531
Our child and adolescent mental health service (CAMHS) help children and young people in the local area who may be having problems.
Children in Care team
Our Looked After Children’s Health team work closely with social care services to look after the health needs of all Bradford children and young people aged 0-21 who are looked after. This may be with a foster carer, a residential home, or living with family and friends under the care of a social worker
Children Leaving Care team
Our Leaving Care nurses work closely with social care to look after the health needs of Bradford children and young people aged 16-25 who have been looked after or have presented as homeless/unaccompanied asylum seekers.
Children’s services
Our children’s services in Bradford provides a streamlined service for children from 0-19 years. We work closely with other services such as midwifery, child and adolescent mental health services, schools, children’s centres, GP’s and other organisations in your community.
Children’s Learning Disability team – Craven
The Children’s Learning Disability team is a specialist group of learning disability nurses and health care support workers that provides high quality, evidenced-based nursing support to children and young people aged five to 18 in the Craven area who have a learning disability, and their families.
Clover ward – Lynfield Mount
Telephone: 01274 363 195
Clover Ward is a psychiatric intensive care unit for adults over 18 detained under the mental health act. Clover offers you a safe environment to receive the necessary nursing support and treatment you require.