
Welcome to the library service for Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust.  We provide a warm and welcoming service for all NHS staff, students and health promoters across the Bradford and Airedale district.  The library contains resources on all aspects of health, but we have a specific focus on mental health, community healthcare, learning disabilities and health management.

Our library is at Lynfield Mount Hospital.  We are in a building to the right of the main reception of Lynfield Mount and we are signposted from the car park.  If you haven’t used the library before please let us know and we will give you a tour of the library and highlight any resources you might be interested in.  Trust staff can also access our comprehensive range of electronic resources.

The Library is open and staffed Monday to Friday. You can also contact us on 01274 223900 and

Access to the library is gained via a glass door, please press the buzzer on this door and bring a form of work or personal ID for security identification. Due to security reasons, we can’t allow external users without an ID badge. BDCFT staff with an LMH security swipe card can access the Library 24 hours a day or go to Reception and sign for a temporary swipe card.

Our resources and services

  • General enquiries: Library staff are here to help you with general enquiries, such as help finding books and information, checking references and finding statistics.
  • Literature searching: If you require a literature search to support your work, library staff are here to help. We are happy to do the search for you (this service is for Trust staff).
  • Books: We have approximately 8000 books on the shelves and access to a wide range of electronic books.
  • Journals, interlibrary loan and document supply: We provide a number of print subscriptions and have access to approximately 1300 electronic journals.  If we don’t have a specific item we can order it for you from another library (this service is for Trust staff).
  • Health promotion resources and campaigns: a wide range of borrowable resources are available to promote health, including teaching packs, models and displays. We also have leaflets and posters available to order and regular health awareness campaigns.
  • Current awareness: We produce a wide range of current awareness bulletins and alerts to keep you up to date.  Please let us know your areas of interest and we will do the rest. (This service is for Trust staff).
  • Databases: A full range of bibliographic databases are available, including Medline, CINAHL and PsycINFO.  We also provide access to BMJ Best Practice, which summaries the best evidence on over 3000 topics.
  • Training: We offer group and individual training on a range of information skills, including literature searching and critical appraisal.
  • Study space and IT: a suite of PCs is available for Trust staff.

Knowledge and Library Hub

This is our single search box that connects you to all the library’s resources. Just pop in some keywords and you will get back a range of full-text books, journal articles and other online resources. Log in with your Athens account to get the full benefit this resource.

Our Partners

We work in partnership with the libraries at Airedale NHS Foundation Trust and Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to provide a comprehensive service for all NHS staff and students across the Bradford and Airedale District.

Eligibility/access criteria

All NHS staff, students on placement and practising health promoters within the Bradford and Airedale district are eligible to join the library.  To check your eligibility and register please go to the registration form.  Please note that some resources and services and restricted to Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust staff.

For further information on our service please take a look at our delivery standards.

Library and Health Promotion Resources
Lynfield Mount Hospital
Heights Lane

T: 01274 223900


Twitter: @BDCFTLibrary 

09.00am – 5.00pm Monday to Thursday
09.00am – 4.30pm Friday
Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust staff may access the library 24/7 with a swipecard.

About the health promotion resources at Lynfield Library

Our library has a unique collection of health promotion resources available to borrow to make your health education projects highly effective. We have a selection of models, teaching packs, games, charts and displays on a range of topics. These resources are specially designed for health promotion, education and engagement. Please click below on the twelve topic areas to see our resource highlights.

Contraception and sexual health
Healthy eating and exercise
Mental health and emotional wellbeing
Oral health and personal hygiene
Parenting, pregnancy and breastfeeding
Self-examination, screening and cancer prevention

For the latest resources and news on health promotion, read the latest newsletter. To register for the newsletter go to and if you have any queries, please contact


The resources can be borrowed from anyone who supports health and well-being in the Bradford and Airedale areas of West Yorkshire. This includes NHS staff, corporate health and well-being, teachers and educators, students, the voluntary sector, social care workers and more. If you are in doubt about your eligibility please contact the library using the details below.


How to Borrow Health Promotion Resources

To borrow resources, you’ll need to be a member of the Bradford NHS libraries, which we are part. You can become a member by completing a registration form in the library. Please bring some work or personal ID for this.

Once you are a registered you can borrow resources at your convenience. Books and teaching packs can be loaned for four weeks, but all other resources can only be loaned for the times that you require them for, ideally less than two weeks. This allows the resources to be used by more people. We recommend people place advanced bookings on the resources to ensure they are available for the dates they require them. Bookings can be made up to a year in advance. There is no limit on the number of resources you can loan at a time.

All resources must be borrowed and returned from the Library based at Lynfield Mount Hospital during our opening hours (see below).

Visiting the library

You are welcome to visit anytime during our opening hours, 09.00-17:00 Monday to Thursday and 09.00-16:30 Friday. The library is closed on weekends and bank holidays. You don’t need an appointment to visit, but please let us know if you are planning to come as a group of 4 or more.

The library is located in a building just to the right of the main reception at Lynfield Mount Hospital. The library is also shown on the large site map signs in the site car park. Access to the library is gained via a glass door, please press the buzzer on this door and bring a form of work or personal ID for security identification.

Parking is available at the Lynfield Mount Hospital site, but places are limited. The 620 bus also goes directly from the city centre to Lynfield Mount Hospital and is approximately every 15 minutes.

The Library provides tailored e-mail alerts on a wide range of subjects via the iAlert service.  When new information is published on your subjects of interest, alerts are e-mailed directly to you.  You can sign up for as many topics as you like and you can always change your selection of topics out at any time.  .

To sign-up for current awareness services please complete our online form.

Requesting a literature search

If you require help in finding information we can undertake a literature search on your behalf. This usually involves us searching a range of online resources including databases such as Medine, CINAHL, Cochrane and BMJ Best Practice. We then provide you with a list of references which we hope will be helpful.  We are also happy to help you track down the full-text of articles following the search.

Request a search

Eligibility for search criteria

Due to staff time and licensing arrangements, we can only do literature searches for Trust staff. We also ask that these searches be for work purposes and not to support study and educational assignments. If you need help with searching to support studying we are happy to offer training.

Example search topics

Here are just a few of the recent topics that we have searched for:

  • Eczema – emollients for under 5s
  • Service user involvement in training staff and students in mental health
  • Measures of psychological distress in acute mental health services
  • Reflection skills and tools for nurses
  • Schema therapy and psychosis

The library team offer group and individual training on a wide range of information skills.  Here are some of our main courses:

E2P: Evidence to practice training course – a practical introduction into the principles and delivery of evidence based practice

The course takes participants through the five stages of evidence based practice.  Participants are introduced to the theory of each stage and then given the opportunity to develop practical skills to use in the workplace.  Participants learn how to develop an “answerable question,” undertake a literature search, critically appraise a journal article and consider the practical skills needed to develop a project plan for research or evidence based practice.

Critical appraisal training

Library staff offer “a beginner’s guide to critical appraisal.” The course aims to give participants confidence in appraising a paper by developing key skills. This includes some basic statistics and understanding of values, confidence intervals and other research terminology.

1-1 training

Individual training on demand remains our most popular training.  We offer individual training on literature searching and other electronic resources at a time to suit you.  The training usually takes about an hour.  Although we usually do training in the library we can also travel to other Trust locations.  Please contact the library to make an appointment.

To further information and to check dates and availability  – please contact the library.  Please note that training is only available to Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust staff and students only.

About the leaflet and poster ordering service

Thank you for your interest in the health promotion leaflet and poster ordering service. Our service provides a free and convenient place to order reliable, up-to-date health information leaflets and posters, from a range of organisations including the British Heart Foundation and Cancer Research UK. Please click here to see our full list of available leaflets to order.


Our health promotion leaflets can be ordered free of charge by people who support health and well-being in the Bradford and Airedale areas of West Yorkshire. This includes NHS staff, corporate health and well-being, teachers and educators, students, the voluntary sector, social care workers and more. If you are in doubt about your eligibility please contact the library using the details below. This service is provided by the Library and Health Promotion Resources team for Bradford District Care Foundation Trust and based at Lynfield Mount Hospital.

How to order leaflets and posters

Leaflets and posters can be ordered online through this form, by contacting the library via email at, or telephone at 01274 223900. Email and telephone requests must state the leaflets titles or topics required, the quantities needed and your contact details.

You can also order leaflets in the library itself and view a master copy of each of our available leaflets, but please note that you will need to return at a later date to collect your order as the leaflet stock is not kept onsite.

Collecting leaflet orders

We will notify you when the order is ready for collection from our library at Lynfield Mount Hospital. NHS staff can also request for their leaflets to be delivered to an NHS address in the area.  Leaflet orders can take up to ten working days to be completed. Larger orders may take longer. If your order is urgent please contact the library team directly to discuss.

The library is located in a building just to the right of the main reception at Lynfield Mount Hospital. The library is also shown on the large site map signs in the site car park. Access to the library is gained via a glass door, please press the buzzer on this door and bring a form of work or personal ID for security identification. Leaflets need to be collected during the library’s opening hours, from 09.00-17:00 Monday to Thursday, and 09.00-16:30 Friday. We are closed on the weekends and bank holidays. You are welcome to send a colleague to collect the leaflets on your behalf.

About the Health Awareness Campaigns
Each year the Library and Health Promotion Resources team for BDCFT coordinate six health awareness campaigns in Bradford and Airedale. Campaigns run via the distribution of campaign display packs, which contain leaflets and posters on the campaign topic, and also online via our website, with key campaign information and digital resources available for download.

Upcoming health awareness campaigns
This document lists the health awareness campaigns schedule for 2023-24.

Health Awareness Campaigns 2022-23 report
This report highlights the list of health awareness campaigns run by the Library & Health Promotion Resources at Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust during the financial year 2022/23.

Taking part in campaigns
Each campaign has webpage containing more information and resources to download. The leaflets and posters on these pages are produced by reliable health information sources and are suitable to distribute to your service users and patients where appropriate.

We also have physical campaign display packs available for each campaign. The link to request a display pack is available on the corresponding webpage. Packs are for collection from the Library and Health Promotion Resources at Lynfield Mount Hospital. All GPs in the Bradford and Airedale CCGs automatically receive a display packs in the internal post.

Our campaigns are collaborative, and we welcome any local organisation, whether NHS, public sector, voluntary or private, to get on board and spread the campaign message. These campaigns aim to coordinate public health efforts across the district, allowing many different partner organisations to work together, ensuring that all people in Bradford and Airedale have the key health messages needed to enable them to live to their fullest potential.

To join our email list, to keep up-to-date on the latest health awareness campaigns, please email . You can also follow updates on health awareness campaigns via the library’s twitter page @BDCFTLibrary.

CLEAR 2024 – Collaborative Learning through Evidence and Research

The Research and Library teams’ conference will take place on the 27 June 2024 between 9am and 4pm at the Great Victoria Hotel, Bradford. The event is free to all Trust staff.

The theme of the event is The Power of Evidence: Advancing Equity in Access to Healthcare. At the event, there will be three keynote speakers, a range of parallel sessions, the ‘Big Debate’, poster presentations, and a variety of stalls.

The poster competition is open to all Trust staff. The poster can be about a research project, or a service improvement project or audit that you have been involved with. There will also be prizes for the winning posters with all delegates having a vote in a secret ballot!

The library and research teams can help with creating your poster – please contact the R&D team for more information on Please also see the attached poster templates – Poster Templates.

For more information on the event including the programme, poster competition and venue, please see below. To register, please fill in the registration form.

9.00-9.30 Arrival and Coffee
9.30-9.40 Welcome & Introductions Therese Patten, Chief Executive, BDCFT
9.40-10.15 Keynote Speaker Sue Lacey-Bryant: Chief Knowledge Officer for the NHS (England) 

Health Literacy Inequalities

10.20-11.00 Parallel Sessions Group 1: Learning Health Systems

Group 2: Adam Jameson: Clinical Pharmacist

Group 3: CoPact and CoPit Research Studies

11.00-11.20 Coffee/Tea Break An opportunity to view the stalls and posters
11.20-12.00 Parallel Sessions Group 1: Health Literacy Training

Group 2: Dr Russell: R&D Director


Emma Elliot: Academic Clinical Fellow in Dental Core Training

Group 3: Mohammed Akhlaq:
and Iftikhar Khan: Lead Clinical Studies Officer and Zubeda Khatoon: Clinical Studies Officer

12.05-12.40 Keynote Speaker Professor Atif Rahman: Professor of Child Psychiatry & Global Mental Health, University of Liverpool 
12.40-13.30 Lunch An opportunity to view the stalls and posters
13.30-14.10 Parallel Sessions Group 1: Mini E2P Training

Group 2: Olivia Taylor:
and Karamdeep Kaur: Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist

Group 3: Helen Haylor: Service Evaluation Lead

14.15-14.50 Keynote Speaker Dr Sohail Abbas: Director of Population Health and Inequalities in Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership  
14.50-15.10 Coffee/Tea Break An opportunity to view the stalls and posters
15.10-15.50 The ‘Big Debate’ Debate Topic: ‘In a time of budgetary constraint, is health equity an achievable priority for the NHS?’
15.50-16.00 Closing Comments Dr Gregor Russell: R&D Director, BDCFT

Overview of the day and poster competition winner

The Great Victoria Hotel
Bridge Street

T: 01274 728706
Website: The Great Victoria Hotel

There is limited parking at the hotel. There is a £5 charge for 24 hours via parking eye. The hotel is approximately a 2 minute walk from Bradford Interchange.

There are 2 disabled car parking spaces onsite. Flat route from the car park to the main entrance. There is a drop-off point directly in front of the main entrance. There are 5 steps to the main entrance but there is also a ramp with handrails.

CLEAR 2022 – Collaborative Learning through Evidence and Research

On 14-16 June 2022, the Library and Research and Development teams at Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust hosted Virtually CLEAR 2022 via Microsoft Teams in partnership with Bradford University.

Virtually CLEAR 2022 ran over three mornings and included a mix of local and national speakers as well as a range of presentations and posters to highlight quality local research and evidence-based practice projects.

CLEAR 2018 – Collaborative Learning through Evidence and Research

CLEAR 2018 took place on the 17th May 2018 at Bradford City football club.  Nearly 150 staff from BDCFT and our partner organisations attended the research and evidence based practice conference and saw keynote speakers including Roy Lilley (NHS Writer, Broadcaster and Founder of the Academy Stuff) and Gareth Allen (Woburn Coaching).  The day also included a range of local speakers reporting back on research and evidence based projects, as well as posters and stands.  The day was an enjoyable learning event for all and was captured by artist Tom Bailey – here are the cartoons that he produced on the day.


The Library enables staff to deliver safe, effective and compassionate care. We provide a range of services which provide evidence, information and knowledge for staff and students wherever they are based. For more information about what we do, please have a look at our publications.

Health Promotion Newsletter May 2024

Library Strategy 2021-24


Quality and Improvement Outcomes Framework
Each NHS organisation in receipt of NHS Education Contract funding is to submit a knowledge and library Service Improvement Plan, with supporting documentation, for review and discussion every two years. The report assessing BDCFT Library is here.

Our latest newsletter is available to read now. If you’d like to sign up, please fill in this form

Library & Research Newsletter May 2024

Reporting the outcomes and results of projects is as important as conducting the research. Sharing this information allows us to ensure we can improve the experience of service users at our Trust and more widely across health and social care.

Below you can find details of the outcomes and results of research and development projects at our Trust. The Library service collates the information for the Trust. If you have had work published, please do let us know at

Staff publications 2024-25

Staff publications 2023-24 

Staff publications 2022-23

Staff publications 2021-22

Staff publications 2020-21

Staff publications 2019-20

Staff publications 2018-19

The Library offers access to a range of databases. Most will require an NHS Athens account, which you can sign up for here. If you have forgotten your Athens password, just email and we’ll reset it for you.

AMED Allied and Complementary Medicine (OVID)​​​​​​​ Database for allied health professions, complementary medicine. Requires NHS Athens
BMJ Best Practice Point of care tool offering latest evidence-based information. Requires NHS Athens
BNF Provides up-to-date information about medicines. Free to access
BNF for Children Provides up-to-date information about medicines for children. Free to access
BNI British Nursing Index (Proquest) UK nursing and midwifery database. Requires NHS Athens
Browzine Provides access to all the Library’s e-journal subscriptions. Requires NHS Athens
CINAHL (EBSCO) Database for nursing and allied health literature. Requires NHS Athens
ClinicalKey Psychiatry Psychiatry topic pages, journals, books, videos and photos. Requires NHS Athens
Cochrane Library High-quality evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. Free to access
EMBASE (OVID) Database for international biomedical literature. Requires NHS Athens
Emcare (OVID) Database for nursing and allied health literature. Requires NHS Athens
HMIC (OVID) Database of healthcare and social care articles & grey literature. Requires NHS Athens
Medline (EBSCO) Database of life sciences and biomedical information. Requires NHS Athens
Medline (OVID) Database of life sciences and biomedical information. Requires NHS Athens
Otseeker Database of occupational therapy literature. Free to access
Oxford Handbooks Oxford University Press online medical textbooks. Requires NHS Athens
PEDro: The Physiotherapy Evidence Database Database of physiotherapy literature. Free to access
PROSPERO International database of prospectively registered systematic reviews. Free to access
PsycINFO (Proquest) Database of behavioural and social sciences literature. Requires NHS Athens
PubMed Free search engine for MEDLINE Free to access
Social Care Online UK’s largest online database of information on all aspects of social work and social care produced by SCIE. Free to access
Social Policy & Practice (OVID) Social Policy and Practice is a one-stop-shop for research, analysis and discussion of health and social policy. Requires NHS Athens
TRIP Medical Database Pro  Trip is a clinical search engine designed to allow users to quickly and easily find and use high-quality research evidence to support their practice and/or care. Requires NHS Athens
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