Our services
Well Together service

About the service
Well Together provides a range of interesting, sociable, health-led activities delivered by dedicated activity volunteers. Our activities are free and run across Bradford, Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven, in wheelchair-accessible venues. There are many groups available, including crafting, peer support and walking, and there is no limit to how many of these you can join.
Well Together is for adults aged 18 years or over and we welcome service users with long term health conditions. We do ask that people must be independent enough to leave their home un-aided and be well enough to access an activity in the local community run by a volunteer.
How to access
You can self-refer to this service by either calling 01274 259190 or by completing the self-referral form and email the completed version to welltogether@bdct.nhs.uk.. GPs and other health professionals wanting to make a referral on behalf of a patient can do this using the professionals’ referral form (below).
Once you have been referred to Well Together, one of our team will contact you to find out what your interests are and match you to one of our many activities.
Download a referral form for GPs and other health professionals. You can also download a referral information sheet for professionals for advice and guidance on making a referral.
Phone: 01274 259190 Email: welltogether@bdct.nhs.uk
For information on all mental health and wellbeing support services in Bradford and Craven, and self-help resources visit Healthy Minds: www.healthyminds.services.
Use the tabs below to explore this section further.
What we offer
Currently we are hosting some groups that meet in person and some that run virtually on-line.
Our walking groups are based across the district and are led by our trained volunteer walk leaders. For details on the range of activities and walks, please click on the links below.
Download our current activity list and our current walk list for February 2025
If you’re on social media, follow us on X and Facebook, to keep up to date with the latest events:
Walking groups
We offer a range of health-led walks across the district led by trained volunteer walk leaders. Please see the walking list for more details and contact Well Together on 01274 259190 or email welltogether@bdct.nhs.uk before attending a walk, to make sure there is a place is available for you.
Well Together Walks training package
Well Together offer a bespoke walk leader training for anyone who would like to become a Volunteer Walk Leader for our service. You will be helping people in your community to get active and healthy, providing vital support that they otherwise might not get. As well as ensuring our walks are friendly, safe, and well run, walk leaders are also ambassadors for walking, showing people that walking really can make a big difference to their lives.
We also offer walk leader training to people wishing to lead a walk for other organisations or areas for a small cost. Please contact our service for more details.
Hear from people who use the Well Together service:
Hear about the service from volunteers
Volunteering with Well Together
As well as offering a plathera of Activities and guided walks we are always looking for Volunteers to lead these Activities and Walks.
Creative Arts volunteers
Are you interested in leading a session around Arts and Wellbeing? We are looking for volunteers to lead sessions once a week or every fortnight, you may be a seasoned artist who would like to pass on your skills to willing participants or someone who is passionate about creative arts. Our team will support you with setting up your group and advertising it to the local community to encourage service users to attend.
Walk leaders wanted
Do you enjoy walking? Would you like to help others to gain or maintain their fitness? Walking is one of the safest activities and yet can bring so many health and social benefits. We offer bespoke walk leader training to help people lead walks across the Bradford, Airedale and Wharfedale district. Once training is completed, you will be given ongoing support from our team and from our network of existing walk leaders. We also have opportunities for people to ‘back mark’ existing walks as support.
Fitness instructors wanted
We are looking for a qualified instructor who is able to deliver gentle exercise classes. If you have experience of working in a gym setting and can give some of your time to help people in your community who are isolated and who may also have long term conditions, then please get in touch.
Relaxations leader
We are looking for a volunteer to lead guided relaxation sessions, either virtually or in the community. Guided relaxations can help people to manage stress and anxiety in their life, with benefits to their mental and physical health. We will provide the relevant training, showing you how to lead guided relaxations to small groups, and support you to lead your own sessions providing music and equipment.
If any of the volunteering opportunities listed above are of any interest to you, then please contact us on 01274 259190 or email welltogether@bdct.nhs.uk