Our services
Palliative and end of life care

About the service
Our Community Specialist Palliative Care team supports healthcare professionals caring for adults with advanced progressive illness for which a cure is not possible. We help both patients and their carers to live as well as possible, by identifying and meeting their needs.
Healthcare professionals including GPs, hospital doctors and nurses and all provide palliative care and support. If our District Nursing team decides a referral to the Community Specialist Palliative Care team is required, they still remain the key contact for and coordinator of a patient’s care needs.
Our team supports them and other professionals by providing telephone advice and support, as well as seeing people in their own homes, care home or community hospital.
The Community Specialist Palliative Care team includes a specialist consultant, clinical nurse specialists and liaison workers for south Asian patients. We can also refer to other services including psychology and counselling and welfare advisors.
How to access
Our service provides care for patients over 18 years of age who have a life limiting condition that needs specialist input and who are registered with a GP in Bradford. The other healthcare professionals who are caring for that person will refer them to us.
How to find us
We are based at Shipley Health Centre, Alexandra Road, Shipley, BD18 3EG but provide care for patients in their own home across Bradford, Airedale and Wharfedale.
We have a ‘Single Point of Access’ contact number for the Community Specialist Palliative Care team: 01274 256131. If you need our support out of hours please contact ‘Gold Line’.
Our teams’ working hours are:
- Fast Track team – Monday to Friday 8.00am to 4.00pm
- Bradford and Airedale Palliative Care Support team – Monday to Sunday 8.00am to 9.00pm
- Palliative Clinical Nurse Specialists – Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm
- End of life Educator/Facilitator – Monday to Friday 8.00am to 4.00pm
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What to expect
Information on what to expect from our Community Palliative Care service coming soon.
Useful links
You may find these resources helpful:
Goldline – information about the dedicated 24 hour telephone service for people with a serious illness who are thought to be in their last year of life, and the people looking after them.
Dying matters – information from Hospice UK about hospice and end of life care, support with bereavement and advice on caring for family or friends
Macmillan – information on cancer, treatment, support and an online community
Bradford Cancer Support – UK and Bradford cancer support and medical negligence prevention.
Carers Resource – an independent Yorkshire charity offering information, advice and emotional and practical help to enable unpaid carers to cope.
Winstons wish – providing support for bereaved children, young people, their families and the professionals who support them.
For professionals
We welcome referrals from health professionals such as district nurses and GPs. We also accept referrals from hospitals and hospices.
Information on how to refer coming soon.