Our services

Falls Prevention

About the service

Our Falls team are specialists in falls prevention who provide expert knowledge, advice and support across Bradford and Airedale to help people aged over 60 who are at risk of falls to stay independent.

Our service is informed by ongoing research, and we offer falls awareness training and attend community groups to provide practical falls prevention advice and information. Please see the ‘self-care’ tab below for top tips and simple, quick strength and balance exercises you can do at home to help you stay steady and prevent a fall.

How to access

Your GP or any other health or social care professional can refer you to our Falls team.

How to find us

We come to you. We visit a number of local groups attended by people at risk of falls and we carry out an assessment with you at home.


You can contact the Falls team on 01274 251330 or by emailing fallsteam@bdct.nhs.uk


Use the tabs below to explore this section further.

What to expect


When a referral is received we check it is appropriate for the falls team. If it is, we contact the patient by telephone to discuss if they are happy to have an assessment and/or exercise programme.

Waiting list

Once we have the patient’s consent, they join our waiting list and will then be contacted with an appointment date. Appointment reminders can be sent by text the day before to either the patient or a family member, carer or advocate.


The assessment team will visit the patient in their own home to carry out a falls  assessment. If exercise is appropriate, the exercise team will work with the patient on a six-month programme tailored to the individual’s needs.

Stay well at home

Preventing falls

Falls are the biggest cause of accidents in the home – but many can be prevented.

Our Stay steady on your feet falls prevention page (coming soon) has top tips for preventing a fall, together with strength and balance exercises.

Age UK also has lots of helpful information to help prevent a fall.