Your feedback
Your feedback
What is patient experience?
Your experience of using our services really matters to us. Patient experience is important, it tells us what it feels like for you, when you receive care and support from us.
Your feedback tells us how we are doing, what we are doing well and where we need to improve.
You might want to share with us how you felt, or how you were treated, or about the care you received. You might want to comment on the appointment process, how and when you received your appointment, or whether you could park your car when you got to the clinic or inpatient unit.
There are many ways that you can share your feedback with us:
- Comment cards/patient surveys– these may be available when you have your appointment, ask a member of staff.
- Friends and Family Test – (FFT) a questionnaire that you complete when you visit your clinic, inpatient unit or if you receive care at home or by phone or video call.
- Patient stories – an opportunity to give your story to our Trust Board.
- Care Quality Commission – complain about a service or provider
- NHS website – you can leave a rating and review of any NHS service on their profile page on the NHS website.
- Care Opinion – an independent site where you can give feedback.
- Patient Advice and Complaints – for complaints and/or compliments.