Your Voice Matters involvement strategy
What is the Your Voice Matters involvement strategy and who is it for?
Your Voice Matters involvement strategy has been developed with patients, people who use Trust services and for those that care for them, across the Bradford, Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven areas.
The involvement of patients, service users, carers, staff, voluntary sector organisations and the wider public has been really important throughout the development of this strategy, which outlines our priorities until 2023.
Together, we aim to reach into services to develop the involvement of people who use them. We also aim to increase awareness of our services and opportunities for involvement, through reaching out to connect with communities. It’s really important to make involvement easier for everyone, by including those who might often be overlooked or find it difficult to be heard, as well as supporting opportunities that enhance recovery and wellbeing.
Why do people want to be involved?
Lots of people with expert knowledge work in the NHS. But we need to hear from the people who are our patients or who have been patients, their families and Carers so we can benefit from your experience and ideas. You don’t need and special qualifications. We need to hear from people of all ages, from all our local communities. The main thing is that you have an interest in helping to improve your local NHS and you can take part as much or as little as you want.
How can I get involved?
If you would like to get involved at the Trust, please complete the online registration form or download a registration form.
Please contact the team on 01274 228298 or at if you would like help filling it in.
If you are or know, a young person who would like to get involved at the Trust, find out more about our Young Dynamos and Child and Adolescent Mental Health service (CAMHS) Involvement Groups.
Could you be a patient or carer mentor for one of our Executives?
As part of our drive to make sure that we hear the voice of our service users and carers throughout our organisation, our Executive Team are looking to work with patient or carer mentors to better understand their journey and the impact of the decisions they make on your lives. See more details.
What does the strategy say?
To find out what the aims and 10 objectives are, please see the sidebar on the left of this webpage for the different versions of our strategy. You can read the your voice matters involvement strategy in full.
Other information
The full your voice matters involvement strategy – Easy Read