Primary schools to take part in mascot competition with winning school to receive book vouchers

Posted: 28 February 2022

All primary schools across the district are being encouraged to take part in creating a kindness,David Sims, Medical Director at Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust and Senior Responsible Officer for the Act as One Children and Young People programme compassion and understanding (KCU) mascot, which will be used as part of a wider campaign to address issues around bullying, like discrimination, loneliness, poverty, and prejudice. The winning school will receive book vouchers, as well as the winning individual or groups receiving a prize. The KCU mascot will also be displayed at a children’s and young people’s mental health exhibition at Cartwright Hall this summer.

All entries must be submitted by 5pm on Friday 8 April to (via Dropbox or WeTransfer) with the winning school announced week commencing 25 April. There’s no number on the amount of KCU mascots that a primary school submits, any year group can take part and pupils can create the mascot on their own, in groups or on behalf of their year. They must give their mascot a name, write a couple of sentences or paragraphs on the mascot’s personality, its hobbies, what does it like and dislike. The mascot needs to be someone who can spread kindness, compassion and understanding.

The KCU campaign is currently being delivered to primary schools across the district who have requested for this. The workshops for the KCU campaign are delivered by a set of young people from across Bradford District and Craven, who are called KCU ambassadors.

Primary schools who have not launched the KCU campaign at their school can still take part in the KCU mascot competition. If primary schools are interested in finding more about the KCU campaign and would like to have this implemented at their school, they can email

Isha, Kindness, Compassion and Understanding Lead Co-ordinator / Ambassador, said: “Creating the KCU mascot is an exciting opportunity for the pupils to get creative, they can draw or physically construct their design, use arts and crafts, or even sketch it if they prefer.

“The KCU ambassadors have a passion to drive out bullying in schools and we deliver our KCU workshops in a fun and engaging way, but at the same time ensuring we get the key messages across to pupils. We know the smallest things can impact a child’s mental health which can affect them long term, the KCU campaign helps children to understand on the importance of being kind and the mascot will help deliver the key messages.”

Julie Whiting, Director of Services at All Star Entertainment, said: “The idea for the KCU mascot was shared internally with the ambassadors and we decided to go ahead with the competition, as it gives pupils a chance to have full creative reign over this challenge.

“The mascot will become the face of our KCU campaign and will be introduced to all primary schools across the district and will be showcased at our children’s and young people’s mental health exhibition at Cartwright Hall this summer.”

David Sims, Medical Director at Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust and Senior Responsible Officer for the Act as One Children and Young People programme, said: “This is a unique idea by the KCU ambassadors and the mascot will help pupils understand the importance of being kind, compassionate and understanding, not in the school environment but also outside of school. Bullying can have a real adverse impact on a child’s mental health, by teaching children at a young age why it’s important to understand the three elements of KCU, can help them to understand how others may feel.

“I look forward to seeing the entries from schools, although only one school will be chosen, we will look at ways how we can recognise all of the KCU mascots that are submitted.”