Help shape our plans, 2023-2026
Posted: 15 May 2023
In 2019, we asked our colleagues, people who use our services, partners and communities, to help develop our three-year strategic plan.
We now need your help to shape our priorities for the next three-years, from mid-2023 to 2026, to support our communities across Bradford and Craven.
Our current Trust values (how we behave) of ‘we care, we listen and we deliver’ will continue to guide everything we do, to achieve our vision of ‘better lives, together’.
The voices of our partners, people who use our services and our communities are vital in helping to shape our plans.
We’d like your feedback on three of our priorities for the next three years: deliver the best quality services, make the best use of resources and be the best partner. We’d like to hear what’s working well now and your ideas of what our Trust could be doing more of, working closely with our health, care, community and voluntary partners.
You can join one of our community-based events in May, or complete a short survey on-line. Book your place or access the survey online.