Falls team steps out to raise awareness across Bradford district

Posted: 05 September 2022

To support vulnerable people at risk of falling, the Falls Prevention team from Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust is stepping out into communities across the district with a series of events throughout September.

The events are for those prone to falling and their carers to find out more about how to keep themselves safe, learn exercises to help build strength and prevent falls, and to find out how to refer to the team if more support is needed.

These sessions coincide with national Falls Awareness Week, running from 19-25 September, which aims to raise awareness of the detrimental impact falls can have on people’s health, particularly older people.

The team will be dropping in to host open sessions with Keighley, Shipley and Wrose Age UK groups, the Older People’s Hub John Street and the Sutton Centre in Holme Wood across two weeks from 12-23 September. They will also be at the Alhambra Theatre Bradford on Tuesday 20 September, 10.45am-12.00pm.

Anyone can attend one of these sessions, the full details of which can be found on the ‘Falls Prevention’ page. The team is encouraging anyone who is concerned about falling or who knows someone else at risk of falling, to come along and get more information.

Stephen Pugh, Physical Activity Coordinator at the Care Trust, said: “Falls are the biggest cause of accidents in the home and can not only cause physical harm but can knock people’s confidence and stop them doing things that they enjoy.

“It’s important we run these events to raise awareness, as most falls are preventable. Things such as clearing walkways so you don’t trip or doing simple seated exercises to improve your balance can make a huge difference to someone’s likelihood of falling. We will run through things like this and more at the events.”

Several closed sessions have also been organised to engage with groups across the district such as the Polish Community Centre, the Karmand Centre and more. Although these are not drop-in sessions, the team is keen to invite anyone interested to find out more about the community groups to get in touch with them on 01274 251330 or fallsteam@bdct.nhs.uk.

To get the full timetable, visit the Falls Prevention page of the Trust’s website.

Carer supporting elderly man