Care Trust sets out winter plans

Posted: 31 October 2022

Local people from across Bradford and Craven are invited to attend Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust’s next online public board meeting to hear about service planning for the winter months. They can join the meeting on Thursday 10 November, 9.00am to 2.00pm on Microsoft Teams.

Discussions will include working with partners across the district to support communities including, timely discharges from hospital, with planned care and support to stay well at home. Plans are already in place to protect communities with flu and covid vaccinations for the most vulnerable, with preparations underway to manage increased demand for services over the coming months.

Additional activity includes working in multi-disciplinary teams covering health, care and community services on discharge planning, and where possible providing wrap-round services for people at home. Activity will also include, the Trust’s Proactive Care Team (PACT) that brings together specialist health professionals to help adults with more complex health problems, at home.

Kelly Barker, interim chief operating officer at Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust, said: “It’s important that we have robust plans in place for winter to keep people well, safe and supported, ideally at home. We are continuing to work with our partners across Bradford and Craven, so that people are only in hospital for as long as they need to be, with early planning to ensure that they have the right support they need, when they return home.”

At the board meeting, Mike Woodhead, the Trust’s director of finance, contracting and estates, will also cover the most recent finance report.

For those who are interested in joining the virtual board meeting, please email the Trust’s Foundation Office on or call on 01274 251313.