Care Trust invites local people to Annual Members’ Meeting

Posted: 30 August 2022

For the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic, people from across Bradford, Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven are invited to join governors and the Board of Directors in person at Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust’s Annual Members’ Meeting. This will be held on Thursday 15 September from 1.00pm at the Great Victoria Hotel, Bridge Street.

The event is a valuable opportunity for people to come together with their local governors, put questions to the Trust Board of Directors and learn more about the work services have done for local communities over the past 12 months. These service areas include learning disabilities, mental health, community healthcare and children’s services.

The formal meeting will run from 2.45pm-4.30pm. Prior to this, attendees will have the chance to visit three ‘Service snapshot’ sessions where Care Trust staff will cover themes including ‘Growing our own in Children’s Community services’, ‘My mental health’ and ‘Community nursing’.

There will also be a variety of small stalls where Care Trust staff will be showcasing some of the key work they have been involved in over the last year.

The meeting will also be an opportunity to meet the new Chair, Dr Linda Patterson OBE, who joined the Trust in July. Linda has clinical leadership experience in both community and acute settings, and 25 years board-level experience.

Therese Patten, Chief Executive at Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust said: “As an organisation, we are delighted to be inviting local people back to an in-person Annual Members’ Meeting, after two years. We’re excited to be able to share the fantastic work that’s been going on across our services this year, alongside managing covid. It’s an important opportunity to hear the views of our communities too.”

Members of the public who wish to attend, or who cannot attend but would like to submit questions to the Board, can email Responses to questions raised will be published at after the event.

The public are also being invited to the Trust’s next Public Board meeting on Thursday 8 September, 9.00am-12.00pm, which will be held on MS Teams. Updates will include upcoming priorities such as winter planning, and will feature winners of the Care Trust’s innovation in care (iCare) awards, celebrating the most innovate work happening across the Trust. To join the Public Board meeting, people can email or phone 01274 251313 for the joining link.