All smiles for the Great Bradford Brushathon
All smiles for the Great Bradford Brushathon
Posted: 15 May 2023
Families, care home residents and people using mental health services in Bradford and Airedale will be receiving expert advice on how to achieve a healthy smile and keep teeth and gums in tip-top condition as part of National Smile Month 15 May to 15 June.
Anne-Marie Dorrington, service manager with Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust’s Community Dental Service says: “It’s a Great Bradford Brushathon! Our Oral Health Improvement team will be out and about visiting a wide range of venues including schools, family hubs and care homes to provide guidance on toothbrushing and looking after your teeth.
“We’re keen to encourage everyone to brush well, clean between teeth, cut down on sugary foods and drinks, and visit a dentist regularly.”
The Oral Health Improvement team supports National Smile Month each year and has this year partnered with Care Trust charity Better Lives and local dental practice A&S Dental Surgeons.
Better Lives has funded toothbrushes and toothpaste for everyone taking part in the Brushathon. A&S Dental Surgeons are offering free dental checks for under-fives
on Monday 5 June from 9.30am to 1.00pm in Farcliffe Children and Family Centre on Toller Lane, Bradford and at Keighley and Shipley Family Hub at Strong Close Nursery School, Airedale Road, Keighley on Monday 12 June from 9.00am to 1.00pm.
“A healthy smile not only looks great but can help boost your confidence,” says Anne-Marie. “Brushathon is all about making sure everyone can have a healthy, happy smile and knows how to look after their oral health.”
“The tips we’re sharing are really simple and easy to keep up with but make a huge difference to your overall health in the long term.”
Get those simple tips on toothbrushing and oral health on our Healthy Smiles web page and find out more about the Oral Health Improvement team.