Carers across Bradford will have the opportunity to ask questions about their loved ones medication at a dedicated talk hosted by Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust’s, Chief Pharmacist, Alistair Tinto.

The Medicines Management talk will be held 29 June, 10am-12pm at Canalside Health Centre, Bingley. It is a free talk for carers of people who access any of the Care Trust’s services.

Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions about medicines such as; side effects, how the medication works, what the medication is used for, can you drink or eat with the medication and are certain medications safe to take with others.

Alistair Tinto, Chief Pharmacist at Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust, said: “The talk will offer people the opportunity to gain a better understanding of medicines. They can ask me anything they want about medication; it’s a really open talk. I want carers to be confident about their loved ones medication and know how it should be used confidently and safely.”

If you would like to attend the event or have a question you would like to be discussed at the talk please contact the Care Trust’s Carer’s Hub on 01274 251112 or email