Service users and carers at Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust were invited to attend a ‘Thank you’ event at the Bradford Hotel in December in recognition of their hard work and involvement with the Trust over the past twelve months.

Over 30 patients, service users and carers, who have gone the extra mile to help shape the Trust’s services, attended and enjoyed a festive afternoon tea with carol singing during the afternoon.

The Trust’s Patient Experience and Involvement Team organised the event to pay tribute to the committment of these people who make regular and valuable contributions to the excellent services the Trust provides.

This was the first celebration of it’s kind for service users and carers and feedback from the event was extremeley positive.

Tracey Corner, Patient Experience and Friends and Family Test Lead said:“We wanted to praise all the amazing service users and carers who give up their valuable time to get involved in a range of the Trust’s activites including  recruitment processes, co-designing services, meetings, training and various Trust committees”.

Trevor, who lives in Bradford and uses the Trust’s Mental Health Services was amongst the special guests who was invited to attened the special event.

Trevor has been involved in a range of activities in the Trust since 2002, he said:“I was overwhelmed when I received my invitation to this event, as it’s such a wonderful thing to celebrate.

“So far I have been involved in approving policies for the Trust as well as attending  Quality & Safety meeings.

“I recently got involved in an article which was published in Disability & Society magazine about ‘how travel affects the experiences of mental health in-patient service-users and their families’. It was great to be involved and make a difference.”

If you are a patient, service user or carer that uses Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust servies and want to get involved then contact the Trust’s Patient Experience Lead on 01274 228298.