Your health records
Information about you and how we use it – fair processing notice, data protection notice
When you are seen by any of our services we will record relevant information about you and your health, on paper and computer, to help us care for you. This information is part of your life-long health record and will be kept in case we need to see you again. By sharing this information with other healthcare professionals and services we can make sure that we provide you with the best possible care – whenever and wherever you need it. If you become unwell, the more information each professional has about you and your health, the better we are able to care for you.
See examples of the types of information we may record.
Who can see the information
All NHS staff are bound by law and a strict code of confidentiality and only staff who are directly involved in your care can see your records. The information we record and who it may be shared with can differ depending on which of our services you use. To see more details about how your information will be stored and shared see our Trust privacy notice.
When we provide you with medical or social care, the law allows us to record details of your care and any relevant personal information as part of our role in the public interest of providing healthcare. This information is necessary for us to care for you.
We will ask you for your consent for any information we hold that goes above and beyond your direct care. We will always explain exactly what you are consenting too, who this information will be shared with and how it will be kept secure. We will also talk to you about your right to withdraw your consent.
Other ways we may use your records
As a NHS Foundation Trust, we have a responsibility to provide information and statistics around what we do and the people we see to organisations both within the NHS and externally. We do this where there is a legal, mandatory, or contractual requirement or where the Trust has decided to participate in a research project to improve the care we provide. The Trust only provides non- patient identifiable data, unless there is a real need such as a legal requirement or we can be confident that this information is protected. Examples of organisations we may provide your details to includes government departments, universities and regulatory bodies for example NHS England, Public Health England and NHS Digital. You may be able to ask to have your information excluded from such reporting – please speak to your clinician for details or call the Patient Experience team on 01274 322662 or email or write to The Patient Experience and Involvement team, New Mill, Victoria Road, Saltaire, West Yorkshire, BD18 3LD.
Your information rights
- You have the right to know how we will use your personal information.
- You have the right to see your health record (your medical notes).
- You can ask us to restrict the way we use your information and we have to agree if possible.
- You have the right to ask for your information to be changed or erased if it is incorrect.
Accessing your health record
If you want to receive a copy of your health record, please email or send a written request to: Information Governance and Records Management (IG&R) team, Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust Archives, Unit 1, Four Lane Business Park, Cemetery Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD8 9RY or phone 01274 363 629. If you have concerns about any of the information contained within your records, please contact the team to talk about your rights.
As a Trust we have a data protection officer who is here to help with any concerns that you may have about how your information is shared and protected. Her name is Gaynor Toczek and you can contact her by emailing
If your issues cannot be resolved by the IG&R team or you are not happy with our response, please see the Trust’s complaints department contact details below and the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) below.
Information Commissioners Office (ICO)
- Call our helpline on 0303 123 1113 (local rate number), or see the ICO website.
- Write to: The Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AE.
Please email if you require an easy access version of this notice including the links to specific service areas.