Nominations open for Care Trust Governor elections

Posted: 17 March 2022

Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust is encouraging local people to nominate themselves in the upcoming Governor elections.

The nominations are an opportunity for members of the public, who are also Trust members, to put themselves forward for a seat on the Care Trust’s Council of Governors.

The Trust is seeking nominations to fill six seats this year from five constituencies across the district, with two in Bradford South, one each in Bradford West, Shipley and Keighley, and one seat representing the Rest of England.

Governors play a key role within the Trust as the voices of their communities. The Council of Governors represents the views of local people to the Trust Board, ensuring that these are considered when the Board is making decisions.

Stan Clay, Public Governor Bradford South said: “Through being a Governor, I’ve got to know a lot more about the Trust, which provides a wide variety of essential services in support of our local communities. I also act as the voice of my community at meetings and have provided public feedback on service provision to the Trust Board. I’ve considered it an honour to have served as a Governor and it is something I would encourage like-minded, passionate community members to look into. ”

To apply for the role of Governor, members of the public must first be members of Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust. Membership is free and people can complete a simple membership form online. All members will receive invitations to healthcare talks and events and are eligible to vote in the Trust’s Governor elections.

Members of the Trust who are interested in becoming a Governor will be able to complete and submit a nomination form between Monday 21 March and Wednesday 20 April via The Trust is also holding an informal evening session on 4 April, between 5.30pm – 6.30pm, where anyone considering nominating themselves can hear more about the role of Governors within the Trust, and have any questions answered regarding the election process.  If you would like to join the session, or for further information about being a Governor, contact the Trust’s membership office on 01274 251313 or  Further information regarding the Council of Governors can be found on the Trust website: