Care Trust’s IPS Employment service achieves exemplary status in latest fidelity review
Posted: 03 February 2025

Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust’s Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Employment Service, known as ‘Making Work Work’, has been awarded the highest possible rating of ‘exemplary’ following its latest fidelity review, maintaining its IPS Quality Kitemark. This recognition underscores the service’s unwavering commitment to supporting individuals with enduring mental health needs in securing and sustaining paid employment.
Since the launch of the service in 2015, the IPS Employment Service has successfully helped over 400 people re-enter the workforce. The support and dedication provided by the team has been described as “life changing” by people that have used the service.
Zoey Quinn who has benefitted from the service, said: “I cannot describe how grateful I am for all the support and help I received through my time under this service. For the first time in my life, I feel happy in my workplace. The service gave me a new chance to start a new life”.
The recent review highlights the service’s exceptional performance. Out of a possible 125 points, the team scored 117 and were praised for their: strong leadership; focus on race equity; and their “dedication and passion, offering personalised support that empowers individuals and fosters future career development”.
Feedback from people that have used the service also includes:
“I’ve had a really positive experience. I really believe if I had not been referred, I would not be in work now. It helped me manage my anxiety as well. He understood me and looked out for me for my betterment.”
“It is not just a job to him; he wants to help the people he works with. He is very understanding. 10 out of 10.”
The team have surpassed the national KPI of 40% set by NHS England for helping to support people into work with a 42% first job conversion rate.
Simon Hayes, Individual Placement and Support services Team Leader, said: “Our service exemplifies our commitment to delivering high-quality, person-centered care. Achieving an exemplary rating in the fidelity review is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the team, who strive to make a positive difference in people’s lives.”
Phil Hubbard, Director of Nursing, Professions and Care Standards and Deputy Chief Executive added: “Our employment service is a shining example of how we put our values into practice, helping people to achieve their goals and improve their quality of life through meaningful employment. This approach not only supports recovery but also reduces stigma and creates opportunities for individuals to thrive in their communities. I’m incredibly proud of the team for this well-deserved recognition and the difference they make.”
To find out more about the employment service visit: or email
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