Care Trust celebrates 20-year birthday anniversary with help from celebrities
Posted: 28 March 2022
Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust will turn 20 on Friday 1 April, with celebrations taking place throughout the week. To mark the occasion the Trust will be organising a series of birthday inspired activities. Staff that have worked for the Trust for 20 years will also share their stories.
The birthday will recognise the achievements of Care Trust staff and volunteers, the everyday heroes, that have gone the extra mile to support local communities with birthday tributes from stars such as West End singer Sandy Smith, who is currently playing Cilla Black at the Ilkley Playhouse, famous Bradfordian and singer Kiki Dee and Billy Pearce, comedian and entertainer. The Bradford and Airedale Youth Choir and the White Rose Chorus will also be getting involved throughout the week.
The Trust’s New Mill headquarters and the Lynfield Mount building will light up in NHS blue to mark the occasion. 227 staff from across Bradford, Wharfedale, Airedale and Craven also share the landmark anniversary, having worked at the Care Trust for 20 years. Many will take to social media on 1 April to post photos of themselves at the start of their careers and in their current roles, adding what working for the Trust means to them.
Kind, caring and compassionate Jacqueline Andrews, assistant practitioner in the Continence service started her career at the Trust as a health care support worker. Twenty years on, Jacqueline still shares the same passion for her role. Jacqueline said: “It’s a great Trust to work for, I really enjoy it and I know if there is any help or support that I need, I know I will get it. The whole team pulls together and are absolutely brilliant, they deliver a fabulous service. I also get so much out of supporting our patients. I enjoy speaking to them, knowing I can make a difference to improve their quality of life.”
Jacqueline added: “The support from the Trust through the pandemic has been amazing. Providing staff with provisions to work safely from home. I feel really proud to work here, I often tell people how much I enjoy it.”
Wendy Pearmain, a senior dental nurse at the Care Trust will have been working for the Community Dental service for 20 years this April. Wendy said: “I love my job and being part of the Community Dental service ‘big family team’. I have also been part of the Trust’s Covid-19 vaccination programme and have really enjoy working sessions vaccinating at Bradford College and Jacob’s Well.
“I can’t believe it will be 20 years this April in the Community Dental service…where have the years gone! Here’s to the next 20; Happy 20th Birthday Bradford District Care Trust!”
Therese Patten, Chief Executive said: “The Care Trust turning 20 is the perfect opportunity to celebrate the fabulous achievements of our wonderful staff and committed volunteers, who work so hard in our districts to support people with their health and wellbeing. We are delighted to celebrate this significant anniversary and to recognise how we make a difference to people’s lives every day.”