Care Trust all geared up for NHS 74 birthday celebrations

Posted: 27 June 2022

One of the nation’s most-loved institutions, the National Health Service, will be turning 74 on 5 JulyStaff at Lynfield Mount Hospital celebrate NHS 74 Birthday 2022.  To mark the occasion Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust will be organising and taking part in a series of birthday inspired events.

The Care Trust will join other healthcare organisations across the country to take part in national birthday celebrations and to thank the extraordinary staff who have helped transform the health and wellbeing of the nation.

In the week the NHS turns 74, the Care Trust will be sharing birthday messages from teams across the organisation, as well as hearing from individual colleagues who are celebrating their own birthday in the same week.  Abigail McKniff works for the Trust as a patient safety administrator and shares her birthday week with the NHS.  Abigail said: “To share my birthday with an organisation that provides so much care and compassion for the public is great. It makes me proud to be a July baby. I am proud to work for the NHS, especially within the Patient Advice and Complaints Department, because we are making a difference to people’s lives, no matter how small.  I’m not a nurse, but we still save lives by listening to people and validating their feelings.”

Staff and patients at Lynfield Mount Hospital celebrate NHS 74 BirthdayStaff and patients have also been invited to raise a cuppa to toast the occasion at the Four Seasons Café at Lynfield Mount Hospital, which will open its doors to host an NHS Big Tea party.  Other activities organised on the day include birthday cake baking with patients on the wards.

Annette & Suzan celebrate NHS 74 Birthday at Four Seasons CaféAnnette Whomack-Brown, a recreation coordinator at the Four Seasons Café at Lynfield Mount Hospital, commenting on the NHS Big Tea party, said: “It’s great to be able to celebrate the NHS birthday with staff and patients – and what better way to celebrate than with a cup of tea and birthday cake. We’re delighted that we’ve been able to get patients back to using the café, albeit in allocated time slots for now, after such a long time being closed through the pandemic.”

Over the last seven decades the NHS has helped transform the health and wellbeing of the nation and is notably a national treasure.  To celebrate the achievements of the national institution, the Care Trust’s staff wellbeing provider ‘Lively Up’ will play an acoustic rendition of happy birthday and singer Courtney Covers will also sing a birthday tribute to the NHS.

To mark the birthday and give thanks to the workforce, local children’s nurseries, including Wyke Kids Planet Day Nurseries, are being invited to host a ‘Big Tea, Little Tea’ party for the Trust’s Better Lives charity.  Children will be invited to dress up for the occasion, with £1 donations going to the NHS charity. Any funds raised will help enhance care and services across the communities of Bradford.  To find out more email: and speak to the Better Lives team.

Therese Patten, Chief Executive said: “The NHS turning 74 is the perfect opportunity to celebrate the achievements of this world-renowned institution, our dedicated staff and committed volunteers, and to reflect 74 years of the NHS helping to support people with their health and wellbeing.   We are delighted to celebrate the anniversary and to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of Care Trust staff and volunteers, the everyday heroes that make a difference to the people they support.”