Trust to recruit non-executive director
Posted: Wednesday, 09 December 2015
Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust is seeking to strengthen its Board of Directors by appointing a new Non-Executive Director.
The successful candidate will join the Trust’s award winning Board and will have leadership experience of operating at Board or senior level in a complex organisation.
The Trust Board was recently crowned ‘Board/Governing Body of the Year’ at the annual Yorkshire & the Humber Regional Leadership Recognition Awards.
Leading on a number of equality and inclusion initiatives, the Trust has developed the Moving Forward programme, aimed at aspiring leaders from Black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds. Lisa Wright, Head of Equality and Work Experience has been instrumental in taking this initiative forward and was announced as the winner of the ‘Leader of Inclusivity of the Year Award’ at the annual Yorkshire & the Humber Regional Leadership Recognition Awards.
The Trust is committed to reflecting the community it serves and believes increasing the Board’s diversity will further strengthen the delivery of high quality services across the Trust.
Michael Smith, Chair said: “The people who access our services are from a range of culturally diverse backgrounds. As a Trust we are looking to reflect the community we serve and believe that by recruiting a candidate from a diverse background we will bring greater richness to debate and provide further value to the high quality services the Trust delivers.”
Nadira Mirza, Non-Executive Director added: “The more diverse our workforce and senior leaders, the better able we are to respond to and reflect the people we support and represent. We believe by increasing the diversity of our Board and actively seek applications from the Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) communities we can continue to promote the Trust’s vision to provide the best care for people in the district.
We also welcome applications from people with lived experience of mental health issues and/or physical disability.”
Gatenby Sanderson is supporting the Trust’s recruitment process. For further details and how to apply click here:
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