Child having flu vaccination nasal sprayFlu can be horrible for little children and their families – especially over the school holidays. For children who may have missed being vaccinated against flu at their primary school, Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust’s immunisation team is running weekly ‘catch-up’ clinics at various locations during December, throughout the holidays and into January.

Most children are offered the nasal spray vaccine, which has been shown to be effective at protecting them against flu. It has been used for many years and has protected millions of children.

Whilst the vaccine can’t stop all flu viruses, if a child does get flu after the vaccination, it’s likely to be milder and they will recover more quickly.

Appointments at the ‘catch-up’ clinics in Bradford in December and over the holidays can be booked by calling 01274 221202. In Wakefield additional flu clinics will be held in schools in the first two weeks of January – to book your child for a vaccination parents should call 01924 310133.

And for more information on the flu vaccine for children visit our Stay Well pages.

Please note, Wakefield Children’s services will be provided by Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust from 1 October 2022. Please visit their website for up to date information about the service.