Survey reveals Care Trust amongst best for mental health services
Posted: Wednesday, 21 October 2015
A national survey has placed the community mental health care provided by Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust amongst the best in the country.
The results of a survey published today by the independent regulator, the Care Quality Commission reveal the Trust is one of five providers classed as ‘better than expected’ for more than 10% of all scored questions within the survey. 224 local people were asked what they thought of their care and treatment.
The Trust is rated as better than most of the 55 organisations surveyed in England in eight areas. Including the communication skills of health and social care staff. Services users said that they feel listened to, are given enough time to discuss their treatment and feel that they are understood by staff.
The Trust also was rated as ‘better’ for involving family or a loved one in care, providing appropriate care in a crisis and helping service users to find and keep accommodation.
The Trust has seen a range of new services and treatments offered over the last 12 months including the introduction of First Response, a 24 hour a day, seven day a week service for people experiencing a mental health crisis.
Nicola Lees, Director of Nursing and Deputy Chief Executive said: “We are very proud to receive such excellent scores from the people who use our services. All our community mental health teams work extremely hard to provide personalised, quality care to local people. We will continue to listen to service users and carers and improve our services wherever possible.”
The results of the survey can be found here:
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