Children’s services
Our Children’s services provide streamlined support for children from 0-19 years. We work closely with other services such as midwifery, child and adolescent mental health services, schools, children’s centres, GP’s and other organisations in your community.
We have a Safeguarding team, school nurses who strive to help children and young people get the best out of life and benefit fully from education, and a Health Visiting service which is available to all new families and to provide expert advice in child health and development.
Our Children in Care team works closely with social care to help children and young people aged 0-18 who are looked after. Our Children Leaving Care team works with social care to look after the needs of Bradford children and young people aged 16-25 who have been looked after or have presented as homeless/unaccompanied asylum seekers. We also have a Youth Justice team who look after and promote the health needs of children and young people who are involved in the criminal justice system.
Our Family Health Services privacy notice 2023 explains how we use and store your information.
24/7 online resource for families
We have a dedicated Family Health services website – Better Lives, Healthy Futures – which provides 24/7 advice for families in Bradford. Better Lives, Healthy Futures has been developed with input from specialist clinical leads and people using our Family Health services. It offers a wide range of information, together with links to other trusted information sites. Emergency and out-of-hours contact numbers are also detailed.
Resources include what to expect each time you meet your health visitor together, with lots of useful information and advice on topics such as caring for a crying baby, a baby’s development, feeding, and mental health, as well as information for older children and young people on topics including bullying, sexual health and school immunisations.