Headshot of Joyce Thackwray

As an ex-nurse, I have a great deal of interest in all matters relating to health and I want, not only my community to be healthier and happy, but all communities. I have been a patient representative for the past 3 years with the Affinity Care Community Partnership. I chair the Patient Council for Affinity Care and I am the Chair for my GP practice’s PPG. I have also been given the task of regenerating Affinity Care’s PPG’s which have all fallen by the wayside due to the pandemic. I have helped set up a ‘pilot’ Wellbeing Cafe, called ‘Happy Healthy Community’ at Thornton Community Centre and I organise and run a Dementia Support Group at Clayton Village Hall, I also organise a Health and Wellbeing allotment for my GP surgery. I have become a governor as I feel I would like to try make a difference.

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