Move more to stay steady on your feet
Posted: Wednesday, 30 September 2020
Falls are one of the biggest cause of accidents in the home and with more older people spending longer inside due to the pandemic, Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust’s Falls Prevention Team is encouraging older people to take steps to reduce their risk of a fall at home or out and about.
The team’s Physical Activity Co-ordinator Stephen Pugh explains: “Falls are not an inevitable part of getting older but they are the largest cause of emergency hospital admissions for older people, with approximately one in 20 older people living in the community experiencing a fracture or needing hospitalisation after a fall.
“Yet many falls are preventable and, as this week (1-8 October) is Falls Awareness Week, we want to ensure that local people know we are here to help and make them aware of some simple things they can do to reduce their risk of falls.”
Our Stay Well pages have videos and top tips for staying on your feet, ranging from advice on footwear, to trip hazards in the home, getting an eye test and, importantly, keeping moving even if you are at home more often. The Falls Prevention Team also recommends a new downloadable Active at Home guide with simple to follow, easy exercises to help you move more and stay steady on your feet produced by Public Health England and Sport England.
Stephen explains: “Some older people have found it more difficult to exercise as they’ve been shielding at home or because many social meet ups have had to be cancelled. It’s really important to keep moving because being too sedentary and sitting for too long can lead to weakness in the muscles of your lower limbs which can impact both on your strength and balance, increasing your risk of a fall.”
Osteoporosis in older people also means a greater risk of fractures if you do have a fall from standing height or less.
If you would like support and advice about Falls Prevention call the Trust on 01274 228300 and ask for the Falls Prevention Team.
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