Falls prevention week
Posted: Monday, 18 September 2017
Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust is holding two events across the Bradford district next week to ask people to focus on preventing falls.
The events, which are part of the wider falls awareness week, will give people the opportunity to meet the team and reduce their risk of falling with some free advice and tips.
The Trust will be at Shipley Fire Station on Monday 25 September 1.00pm – 3.00pm and The Khidmat Centre in Bradford on Wednesday 27 September. The event at the Khidmat Centre will be open for ladies between 11.00am – 12.30pm and between 1.30pm – 3.00pm for all.
The event will give people falls free home advice, medication advice, along with the chance to meet the Trust’s learning disability team, representatives from Age UK, the national osteoporosis society, pressure ulcer prevention and the continence team who will be available for advice or to answer your questions.
Stephen Pugh, Falls Physical Activity Co-ordinator at Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust, said: “Falls are the biggest cause of accidents in the home and these are not an inevitable part of getting older, many can be prevented and we want to provide people with information and advice to try and prevent some of these falls from happening.
Things such as clearing walkways so you don’t trip or doing simple seated exercises to improve your balance can make a huge difference to someone’s likelihood of falling. We will run through things like this and more at the events.”
The Trust will also be teaming up with Bradford Council and Age UK for a number of other events across the district throughout falls awareness week.
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