Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust is inviting members of the community to a free healthcare event on Wednesday 30 January at the Polish Community Centre.

The event will bring together teams from across the Trust who will be offering free advice and healthcare checks for attendees. Some of the teams who will be there on the day include the falls prevention team, which works in the community to help older people reduce their risk of falling; and the tissue viability team that helps people with limited mobility to avoid pressure ulcers.

Members of the public will also be able to meet some of the Trust’s district nurses, podiatrists and speech and language therapists, to ask questions about general health for adults and children, foot care, and problems with speaking or swallowing food, and to learn more about the work they do in the local community.

The Care Trust’s public governors, who represent the views of their communities to the Trust Board, will also be present to listen to feedback about the services that the Trust provides. People will be able to learn about how they can contribute to the Trust by becoming a member. Membership is free, and members receive regular updates on Trust news, invitations to free healthcare events, and are able to vote in Trust governor elections.

Paul Hogg, the Trust’s Director of Corporate Affairs, said: “Events like these are a great opportunity for us to get to know our local communities, and to share advice on a wide range of healthcare issues. It’s important for people to know what services are available locally and how they can help us improve them – becoming a member of our Trust is the best way to get involved.”

The event will take place on Wednesday 30 January, 1:00pm until 4:00pm at the Polish Community Centre, 17 Edmund Street, Bradford, BD5 0BH.